
These definitions are quick & dirty. Not perfect. Written by a student (me) for the use of newbies to get SOMETHING of a handle on the subject of TROM and related subjects that Dennis references.

Not complete. Not in alphabetical order – yet. But since the guy with the scythe is making more frequent appearances I thought it better to get this page up as is and work on it when possible.


Analytical Mind – Thought unhampered by automatic conclusions.
Analyze – to look. from Latin: ‘ana’ apart, and ‘lysin’, to loosen.
Reactive Mind – Automatic conclusions in action without conscious awareness.
Overt – Something done you wouldn’t want done to you.
Motivator – Something done that motivates reciprocal action. (If you punch Joey in the face, you’ve committed an overt. Joey has received a motivator. If Joey turns around and clobbers you, then he has an overt and you have a motivator.)
Package – a set of things.
Postulate – a desire, intention, purpose, decision.
Postulate Package – the set of four states of interaction regarding something.
Effect – in TROM the item in question. That which has been brought into existence. from Latin: ‘e’, out; and fect, from facere, to make. ie, something created.
Track – one’s past.
Time Track – one’s past laid out in time sequence, not postulate sequence.
Earlier Similar Incident – there was an understanding that, in counseling, an issue being examined in therapy that was not resolving would only resolve if an earlier similar incident were looked for and examined. The uninspected earlier incident prevents the later incident from resolving. This was based on the ‘time track’ theory as opposed to the postulate track concept.
Engram – an early obscure word in cytology meaning ‘a trace on a cell’. It was taken up in the new sense of an incident containing pain and unconsciousness.
Engram Chain – a series of earlier similar incidents containing pain and unconsciousness as viewed sequentially in time.
Basic – the first incident on a chain of similar incidents arranged sequentially in time.
Secondaries – incidents containing loss related somehow to engrams.
Locks – Occurrences in life that remind one of past painful incidents.
Blow, 1 – to leave an area without resolving it. The difficulty blows one off.
Blow, 2 – recognize and vanish a difficulty. One blows off the difficulty.
Life Goal – a package that will erase.
Non-life Goal – a package that will not erase.
Opposition – diagonally situated in the postulate construct.
Negative – vertical in the postulate construct.
Leg – one of the four parts of a postulate package.
Positive Leg – either of the top two parts of the postulate package construct.
Negative Leg – either of the bottom tow parts of the postulate package construct
Game – an interaction with an opposition regarding a goal.
Conflict – an important interaction with an opposition regarding a goal.
Agreement – a state wherein both parties agree of their own will.
Overwhelm – a state wherein one party has been forced to adopt the others point of view and is convinced that their previous point of view cannot be held..
Problem – a situation with perfectly balanced oppositions.
Fixed Solution – one’s answer to a problem that parks it without erasing it. eg. War is a fixed solution to failed diplomacy.
Theory – the data and understandings on a subject.
Practical – actions that change a situation.
Process – a set of actions. See ‘Running a Process’.
Running a Process – in counseling, a question or set of questions addressing a specific area of difficulty that are designed to bring to attention those key aspects that upon inspection and reevaluation, usually aid in resolving the difficulty.
Repetitive – a counseling technique of asking the same question or giving the same command after each answer – over and over. Used when a subject under examination has more than one answer. Peeling them off permits deeper inspection.
Alternative – A counseling question or command that has two parts, two questions, two commands.
Alternative Repetitive – combination of both techniques.
RI – acronymn for Repair of Importance. All incidents contain an importance aspect. We are addicted to importance. When a past upset is resolved the importance associated with it is also gone. Yet the addiction to importance is still present. One handles that addiction by running the Repair of Importance process that works for them. (there are four) If one doesn’t then our addictive natures will replace or ‘pull in’ another upsetting situation with the equal amount of importance. The ‘need’ for importance lessens with continued work with TROM but does not go away entirely until Level five is complete.
CCH – acronym for Communication, Control and Havingness. Four processes run sequentially, developed by Ron Hubbard to bring a person stably into present time.
Havingness – variously defined but generally, feeling good about oneself and what’s going on. Feeling like you’re quite up to handling the day. Having the rug pulled out from under you wrecks your havingness. Like finding out somebody stole your car.
Control – directing the placement of things and situations. NOT hurting something / someone if they don’t answer up the first time.
Communication – In touch with whats going on now. Technical def: Cause distance effect with Intention, Attention at cause point, distance, and with duplication, Intention and Attention at effect point.
Boolean – having to do with the logic or algebra developed by the mathematician George Boole
Boolean universe, Unity – in boolean logic or algebra a universe is ‘the entire set’ of things under discussion. Unity would be the state where all parts of the set are present.
Therapy – Fixing.
Overwhelm – Completely win over another or to completely lose to another.
Difference – Dennis’s definition is superb. a quality in one thing not present in the other.
Similarity – the quality in common between two things.
Enhance – To improve.
3GAXX or R3GAXX – short for Routine 3, version G or possibly the G stood for Goals, revision A, Criss Cross. One of the final Goals processes developed by Hubbard circa 1963-1964. Roughly, asking for goals a person has had, asking who or what would oppose that goal, getting a list of these goals & opposes, then assessing them on a E-meter to find the ‘right’ one. Process was abandoned and is no longer in use.
Strategy – a method of dealing with something.
Nulling – going through a procedure that addresses a situation until no further change occurs.
Null – an item produces no reaction but the usual result not yet reached, so charge still there but unavailable. Come back to it.
Compulsion, Compulsive
Dissociation – best definition gotten by listening to Dennis’s talk on the subject. Condition where one is convinced he is haunted.
Disassociation – to not have contact with.
Zugzwang – a situation where one loses no matter what one does. The term originated in the game of Chess where one has to move but any move will cause him to lose the game.
Erase – to make vanish. To re-evaluated all aspects of something, particularly with a view to using complimentary postulates. Opposing postulates hold things in place.
Vanish – to make empty. (vane = empty)
Junior Goal / Junior Life Goal – any of the dozen or so goals that have been proven to erase. (Non Life Goals packages never erase)
Junior Universe – something one is so immersed in that he doesn’t know there’s anything but it.
Insanity – no place to go, no position one can assume, hence catatonia. To work oneself into the state of must assume both a postulate and its negative at the same time.
Paradox – something exists that can’t. (para – along side of, and dox, doctrine, teaching)
Vengeance – getting ‘even’. The unending game wherein there is only one game set, not two. ‘He hit you, so you hit him back, so he hits you, so you hit him back’ on and on.
Entity – a package with characteristics, that has an identity. It could be imagined or an actual person.
Bonding – making two things always connected. ‘Gluing them together’
Bond Breaking
Terms Used
More Terms Used
Consideration – a thought, to give thought to. An understanding one holds.
ipso facto : by the fact itself
Valence –
Valence Shift
see pC7.1 More Terms where I note changes I made to the pdf.

Those inclined to take to TROM:
“anyone who is not in a compulsive game condition, and has a wish to take their mind apart, and has some knowledge of the mind” [they] “coming across TROM might be inclined to use it and quickly find that it worked. They are the one that will use it with great benefit.” DHS.

“caution is needed in the area of do it yourself therapy” DHS

Erasure defined by Complementary Postulates & Opposing Postulates
(Dennis to Terry tape 33)
Paul: Past opposing postulates are held in place by the self, not the opposition. The self stops holding the opposition by flowing complementary postulates at it. Or so I think.

see the excerpt Drasure Explained from Tape 33 Dennis to Terry

Trom procedure:
“Solo auditing is when you actually start punching things into your own mind, your own ideas, your own thoughts and your own mind, and then looking and seeing what happens, then handling what happens, and then punching some more things in. Thats TROM.” DHS

Alter Is
(Is Ness, Alter Is Ness, As Is Ness, Not Is Ness)

Is Ness – 1. Complementary Postulates. 2. Bringing something into existence.
Alter Is Ness – Game, Conflict, Opposition.
As Is Ness – Complementary Postulates
Not Is Ness – Game, Conflict, Opposition.

“Trom is not going to be an easy one to duplicate for the person who is enmeshed in games play.” “Compulsive games players have difficulty understanding truth,
understanding enlightenment,
understanding reason,
understanding erasure,
understanding complementary postulate
they have difficulty with this because they are fixed in a compulsive game situation.

“While a person is in a compulsive game they will compulsively alter

Lock Terminals.

Games Condition. my def: A state of conflict. Not agreement. There are 4 states: Agreement, Conflict, Neither agreement or conflict, both agreement and conflict.

“Go into a games condition” my def: a person assumes the ohter person IS in an argument with him; has assumed the other person is taking certian positions regarding a situation and him.

BPC / By Passed Charge – nasty stuff that has been brought to mind but not taken up. Sometimes one can be rattled but not be able to put their finger on it – charge has been bypassed. Restimulated but not handled.
Flat – describes something that no longer has any upset connected with it.
Auditing – Hubbards word for counseling. Taken from the root of ‘to listen’ (auditory, audible, audition – a listening.
Auditor – a counselor who goes by the methods developed by Ron Hubbard. (attentiveness, no evaluation, listening, etc.)
Scientology – a treating and understanding of life as developed by Ron Hubbard.
Dianetics – an understanding of the mind and a technique for resolving troubles.
HASI – the early organization founded by Hubbard for delivering the technology of Dianetics & Scientology. Is is an acronymn for Hubbard Association of Scientology, International
D of P – abbreviation for Director of Processing. The person in a Scientology organization who handles the administration of processing (counseling / auditing).
Director of Processing – The person in a Scientology organization who handles the administration of processing (counseling / auditing).
D of T – abbreviation for Director of Training. The person in a Scientology organization who handles the administration of teaching students how to be counselors in Scientology.
Director of Training – The person in a Scientology organization who handles the administration of teaching students how to be counselors in Scientology.
HGC / Hubbard Guidance Center
Registrar – The person in a Scientology organization that sells the training & processing.
Ethics – the subject of right action in a society. Consists of those actions that forward the survival of the society
Scientology Ethics – a listing of the right actions that forward the survival of Scientology. The overseeing of those actions and enforcement of deterrents to wrong action.
Heavy Ethics – punishments for wrong actions as considered by Scientology Ethics.
Admin. – short for Administration. Can also mean the counseling session write-ups for use in future sessions.
Administration – the handling of an area.
Affinity – liking / disliking.
Reality – The understanding of what is going on. Also known as Agreement
Communication – In touch with whats going on now. Technical def: Cause distance effect with Intention, Attention at cause point, distance, and with Intention, Attention and duplication at effect point of what came from the cause point.
Understanding – a thorough comprehension of something. Per Hubbard, Understanding consists of Affinity, Reality and Communication.
Knowledge / Responsibility / Control
Skin Galvanometer
Lie Detector
Line Plot
Overt Motivatior Sequence
Missed Withhold
Missed Missed Withhold
Intention – the need, desire, purpose of having something occur.
Counter Intention – the need, desire, purpose of NOT having something occur.
Counter Effort
Comm – short for Communication
Communication Formula – Cause distance effect with Intention, Attention at cause point, distance, and with Intention, Attention and duplication at effect point of what came from the cause point.